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Baldur's Gate 3 sex speedrunners are now bedding Lae'zel in under two minutes

Come again?

Lae'zel in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian Studios/Mae

Baldur's Gate 3 speedrunners are still trying to see how quickly they can have sex in the game, and today one player managed to break the two minute barrier.

This brisk performance was achieved by Mae, a known speedrunner in the Baldur's Gate 3 community. Mae previously managed to complete a Sex Any% speedrun in just under eight minutes, and has been whittling that time down ever since.

Baldur's Gate 3 Advanced Guide to Multiclassing - BG3 Multiclass explainer - 6 BUILDS TO TRY!Watch on YouTube

"After just over two months, the Baldur's Gate 3 speedrunning community has finally peaked. The two minute barrier has been shattered," Mae celebrated on their YouTube channel earlier today. "We can now bang Lae'zel in under two minutes, even faster than a speedrunner can last in real life. This is the world's first sub-two minute run and the new world record."

As to how Mae managed to bed Lae'zel, it involved a lot of jumping and cunning gameplay that meant certain battles could be avoided. Conversations also happened at a super fast speed, but eventually Lae'zel says those all important words: "I've come to sate you, and be sated."

Mae managed to get here in one minute and 58 seconds, as you can see in the video below. Who needs XP when you have seXP?!

Baldur's Gate 3 Sex% Speedrun in 1:58 (World Record).

If you too are looking to woo members of your Baldur's Gate 3 party, but could do with a little steer in the right direction, be sure to check out our guide on how to find love in Faerûn.

Here, our guides team talks through how to get approval and how to romance. Alas, it is only for this game though, I am not sure how these techniques will work in the real world.

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Victoria Kennedy

News Reporter

Victoria developed a deep love for video games watching her brothers barrel their way through Goldeneye 007. She will unashamedly spout forth all sorts of niche Zelda lore to anyone who will listen (and even at times to those who won't), and makes the best pancakes you have ever seen.
