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Dr Connors' kitchen puzzle solution in Spider-Man 2

How to solve the musical puzzle in Dr Connors' Kitchen.

spider-man 2 peter wearing venom suit inside dr connors house looking at family photo
Image credit: Eurogamer/Insomniac Games.

The kitchen puzzle in Dr. Connors' house in Spider-Man 2 is a small puzzle, yet it's one that you can easily be stuck on if you've not completely explore the scientist's home. It may have a simple solution once you've figured it out, but it makes it no less heart warming to find.

As you swing through the story in Marvel's Spider-Man 2, you can switch between playing as Peter Parker and Miles Morales. Two Spider-Men equals twice the crime-fighting fun, but a sinister plot is soon unveiled. As the crime fighting duo, it's up to you to save some unexpected victims of this plot.

Without further ado, we're here to show you how to solve Dr. Connors' kitchen puzzle in Spider-Man 2.

Spoiler Warning: This guide may contain spoilers for the story of Spider-Man 2!

How to solve the puzzle in Dr Connors' Kitchen in Spider-Man 2

When you're looking through Dr. Connors' kitchen for clues on his location in Spider-Man 2, Peter will eventually find a puzzle hidden behind a photograph of Connors' family. You do need to solve this puzzle to be able to continue with the story.

Before we give you the solution, and if you've not done so already, we recommend exploring the rest of the house first. Especially the toys in the living room and the bed that belongs to Dr. Connors' son upstairs. Once you've done this, return to the puzzle.

The solution to Dr. Connor's kitchen puzzle in Spider-Man 2 is to use the coloured keys on the panel to play the same tune that's being played on Connors' son's piano and mobile above his bed. Now, to save you some time, we've listed the order you need to press the keys in below:

  • Purple (The panel with four dots)
  • Purple (The panel with four dots)
  • Purple (The panel with four dots)
  • Green (The panel with one dot)
spider-man 2 dr connors lab door puzzle panels, peter is pressing the panel furthest to the right.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Insomniac Games.

Once you've done this correctly, the door to Dr. Connors' lab will be revealed and you can continue your search for him.

We hope you enjoy the rest of Spider-Man 2!

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Marie Pritchard

Guides Writer

When she isn't exploring Horizon Zero Dawn or dropping into Apex Legends, Marie can be found causing havoc around Los Santos.
